Angels Part 2

ANGELS Hebrews 13:1-8 INTRODUCTION: We live today in a very real physical world, but there is an equally real and important spiritual world all around us and there is a spiritual battle going on all the time for the souls of men: Ephesians 6:10-13. Our enemy, the devil comes, the Bible says “to steal, kill […]

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A Joyful ride!

A JOYFUL RIDE! Philippians 2:1-4 INTRODUCTION: Disney World encompasses forty-three square miles. It is the size of San Francisco. Disney World has seventy-thousand cast members which makes it the largest single site employer in the United States. Disney World averages 1,000,000 visitors per week. Disney World’s is so special thou not because of its size […]

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God’s Crossroad To The Good Life!

GOD’S CROSSROAD TO THE GOOD LIFE! Ecclesiastes 1:1-18 INTRODUCTION: All of mankind; from Adam and Eve right down to the present time have sought what they thought would be “the good life.” Sadly, most all have missed “the good life” because they thought they could define for themselves what “the good life” is. Jeremiah 10:23. […]

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Opening Our Eyes To Compassion!

OPENING OUR EYES TO COMPASSION! 1 Thessalonians 3:1-13      I.   PASS IR ON! Being part of a good works chain can be very rewarding. When the bottom drops out of our economy, we can react in two equal and opposite directions. One is hardening of the heart and the tightening of the purse; […]

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Don’t Drown!

DON’T DROWN! Matthew 5:38-48 INTRODUCTION: When we chose to ignore clear warnings whether from men or from our God what should we expect? Proverbs 17:14. Unfortunately even Christians are not immune from setting their disputes with others with quarreling and the destruction that is wrought by not dealing with their disagreements in a biblical way. […]

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Spiritual Warfare Is Real!

SPIRITUAL WARFARE IS REAL! Romans 7:14-25 INTRODUCTION: My prayer is that we will be informed and encouraged as we realize anew the spiritual battle we face, the enemy that fights against us and the victory we are offered in Christ Jesus. We face three spiritual enemies that resist the spirit within us: the world, the […]

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High Noon!

HIGH NOON 1 Kings 18:16-40 INTRODUCTION: 950 to 1. That was the odds that Elijah faced on Mount Carmel between the prophets of Baal and of Asherah. Any time a messenger of God confronts the evil of this world with a message from God it won’t be very popular: John 15:18-21. Did you think after […]

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Is There Any Hope?

Is There Any Hope Psalm 3:1-8 INTRODUCTION: In Psalm three King David is running for his life from his own son, Absalom and his army. The inscription right above the Psalm says: “A Psalm of David, when he fled from Absalom his son.” David asks a question of God that most of us may have […]

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The Place Of Prayer In Spiritual Warfare

THE PLACE OF PRAYER IN SPIRITUAL WARFARE Ephesians 6:10-20 INTRODUCTION: Are you living as if the “spiritual battle” happening all around us between angels and demons, between light and darkness, between good and evil is real or is like a fantasy or a science fiction movie? Not one of us is immune to the results […]

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Who Is On Your Throne? Part 2

WHO IS ON YOUR THRONE? Galatians 5:16-26 INTRODUCTION: Today we will be asking the question: “Who is on your throne?” In 2008 the movie Fireproof came out and it talked about a fireman named Caleb Holt. He was a normal man, selfish and hung up on himself. His marriage was in trouble but then something […]

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