No Sweat Living!

NO SWEAT LIVING! Matthew 6:25-34 INTRODUCTION: Some people call it tension, others call it anxiety; Jesus calls it worry. It is true that Jesus said the things people worried about 2,000 years ago are still worrying people today. We still worry about finances: Matthew 6:19. We still worry about having enough food and fitness: Matthew […]

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Satan And The Spiritual Forces Of Evil!

SATAN AND THE SPIRITUAL FORCES OF EVIL! Ephesians 6:10-18 INTRODUCTION: We are in a spiritual battle; an invisible war and we have an enemy that desires to destroy us.  ! Peter 5:8-9.  When Satan fell into sin he took a third of the holy angles with him into rebellion against their Creator God: Revelation 12:3-4; […]

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Our Spiritual Enemy!

OUR SPIRITUAL ENEMY! 1 Peter 5:8-11 INTRODUCTION:  We are involved in an invisible spiritual war.  Ephesians 6:10-12: We live at the intersection of the invisible and the visible.  Our spiritual enemy seeks to blind us all to the truth of the spiritual war that is going on all around us today. IDENTIFYING OUR ENEMY!   […]

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Three G’s Part 2

THREE G s! Matthew 5:21-28 INTRODUCTION:  We are facing many major issues that are decaying the very foundation on which our nation was established but often it is the little things, the minor things that go on in a nation that cause the most destruction: Song of Songs 2:15.  We look at our sins as […]

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Tell Me The Old, Old Story!

TELL ME THE OLD, OLD STORY! Matthew 2:1-23 INTRODUCTION:  Luke began his gospel with: Luke 1:5.  Recall another story that started with “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.”  Both of those phrases began stories not equal in terms of value or importance; but stories nevertheless.  We all use stories, just as […]

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The Lord Is My Strength!

THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH! Psalm 84:1-7 INTRODUCTION:  Attending church regularly is very important, but people can come up with all kinds of excuses why they just don’t make it a priority in their lives.  The person who finds their strength in the Lord is described in the Bible as a “blessed person” and it […]

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STRESS! Matthew 11:28-30 INTRODUCTION:  Does life seem far more stressful today to you then it did twenty or thirty years ago?  Stress contributes to high-blood-pressure, heart disease, and addictive disorders.  It often leads to headaches and backaches.  Stress has been traced to stomach and breathing disorders.  People under stress often lose their energy and struggle […]

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Strengthening Yourself In The Lord!

STRENGTHENING YOURSELF IN THE LORD! 1 Samuel 30:1-6 INTRODUCTION: As we go through our lives, we can become infected by certain unhealthy attitude, infectious sins, and inflamed by unhealthy attitudes.  We can easily succumb to anger, anxiety, depression and discouragement.  It is wonderful when friends can encourage us but one of the most important lessons […]

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Gender Confusion! Pt.2

GENDER CONFUSION! Genesis 1:26-31 INTRODUCTION:  We learned two weeks ago that God is the designer of gender: Genesis 1:27.  God created man in the image of God.  God created man male and female.  Our God founded the foundation of the family.  God created males and females different than one another.  Our God is the inventor […]

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Godly Faith Turns Stress To Praise!

GODLY FAITH TURNS STRESS TO PRAISE! John 14:15-31 INTRODUCTION:  Godly faith will turn our stress into praise!  We live in a world full of stress.  Our Lord Jesus promised peace in a world torn by turmoil and stress: John 14:26-27.  Jesus didn’t promise us our peace; He said it would be His peace in our […]

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