FILTHY DREAMERS Jude 1:1-25 INTRODUCTION: General William Booth was the founder of the Salvation Army. Booth had great insight into the future of the church in the United States and this is what he said: “That the great danger facing the future of the church was having religion without Christ; Forgiveness without repentance; Salvation without […]
FAITH IS TRUSTING IN OUR GOD! Psalm 37:1-8 INTRODUCTION: A very simple but vital truth to a growing faith is that faith is simply trusting in what our God has told us about Himself, what He has told us about us. and trusting His precious promises. Psalm 37:1-8: all of these verses speak of our […]
WHAT REALLY MATTERS? Philippians 3:1-21 INTRODUCTION: Question: “When is a bird bigger than a mountain?” Answer: “When the bird is closer than the mountain. Often what really matters seems to be what is close up in space and time in our lives. When the apostle Paul began this chapter he said: Philippians 3:1. Here Paul […]
You Cannot Hide! Genesis 3:1-11 INTRODUCTION: We need to “get real.” We need to take off our fig leaves and all the other things we try to hide behind and “get real!” John 1:43-47. Many hide behind so many masks that they are not even sure themselves just who they really are. Satan likes us […]
THE GOSPEL OF EXODUS! 2 Exodus 28:1-4 INTRODUCTION: We start tonight with the Gospel of Exodus: you say the Gospel of Exodus? Aren’t there only four Gospels? No there are 66 Gospels in the Bible! Every book in the Bible tells us the good news of Jesus Christ: John 5:39; Exodus 25:8. God’s wants to […]
ANGELS Hebrews 13:1-8 INTRODUCTION: We live today in a very real physical world, but there is an equally real and important spiritual world all around us and there is a spiritual battle going on all the time for the souls of men: Ephesians 6:10-13. Our enemy, the devil comes, the Bible says “to steal, kill […]
A JOYFUL RIDE! Philippians 2:1-4 INTRODUCTION: Disney World encompasses forty-three square miles. It is the size of San Francisco. Disney World has seventy-thousand cast members which makes it the largest single site employer in the United States. Disney World averages 1,000,000 visitors per week. Disney World’s is so special thou not because of its size […]
GOD’S CROSSROAD TO THE GOOD LIFE! Ecclesiastes 1:1-18 INTRODUCTION: All of mankind; from Adam and Eve right down to the present time have sought what they thought would be “the good life.” Sadly, most all have missed “the good life” because they thought they could define for themselves what “the good life” is. Jeremiah 10:23. […]
OPENING OUR EYES TO COMPASSION! 1 Thessalonians 3:1-13 I. PASS IR ON! Being part of a good works chain can be very rewarding. When the bottom drops out of our economy, we can react in two equal and opposite directions. One is hardening of the heart and the tightening of the purse; […]
DON’T DROWN! Matthew 5:38-48 INTRODUCTION: When we chose to ignore clear warnings whether from men or from our God what should we expect? Proverbs 17:14. Unfortunately even Christians are not immune from setting their disputes with others with quarreling and the destruction that is wrought by not dealing with their disagreements in a biblical way. […]