GOD’S RECIPE FOR JOY! John 15:9-17 INTRODUCTION: Today we want to talk about how we can have the fullness of Joy that is offered to us in God’s Word. How to have fullness of joy in our hearts and how to learn God’s recipe for joy. John 15:11. Joy is the birthright of every child […]
STANDING ALONE WITH GOD! 1 Kings 22:1-38 INTRODUCTION: Courage has been defined as “the ability or the willingness to do something difficult or dangerous.” Remember, our God shows up when we step up and when we take that first step of faith: 2 Chronicles 16:9. Fear […]
STANDING ALONE WITH GOD! 1 Kings 22:1-38 INTRODUCTION: Courage has been defined as “the ability or the willingness to do something difficult or dangerous.” Remember, our God shows up when we step up and when we take that first step of faith: 2 Chronicles 16:9. Fear is the biggest enemy to courage and there are […]
THE MARK OF THE BEAST AND THE COMING ECONOMIC CRISIS! Revelation 13:1-18 INTRODUCTION: These are amazing times we are living in. If you are seven-five or older these are some of the things you have experienced in your life time. You have seen the atom split and now we have nuclear devices that can destroy […]
ENJOYING GOD! Psalm 73:1-28 INTRODUCTION: When you think of God, what picture comes to mind? Do you see an austere old man who just watches to see you slip up the least bit so He may punish you? Do you see a holy God high and lifted up that you could not possibly get close […]
EQUIPPED FOR SERVICE John 9:1-11 INTRODUCTION: Those of us who have trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior honestly believe honestly believe that He saved us to do good works. Ephesians 2:8-10. Those Christians who chose not to take their time, their talents, and their finances to do service for the Lord confess several […]
TAKING OUR FRIENDS TO JESUS! Mark 2:1-12 INTRODUCTION: “When Jesus saw their faith!” Mark 2:5. Our question is: “Where did these men get such faith?” Romans 10:17. Could we bring our friends to Jesus and would He see our faith? Hebrews 4:16; Ephesians 2:13, 18. It is because of our relationship with Jesus Christ that […]
EDIFICATION: BUILDING UP! Psalm 11:1-7 INTRODUCTION: At the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century, the foundations of the United States of America were being destroyed. The very foundations of our blessed nation were being destroyed: Proverbs 14:34. Leaders at the very pinnacle of national leadership in government, education, religion, […]
WHEN THE DAYS GROW WEARY Jeremiah 29:1-14 INTRODUCTION: To the children of Israel and to us also God has a message when things are going terrible in our lives: Jeremiah 29:11. Jeremiah preached doom for the nation, but after the bottom dropped out he brought a message of hope. He told them to settle down […]
STAY ABOVE THE SNAKE LINE Isaiah 40:25-31 INTRODUCTION: There is an invisible line that is fixed, at a given altitude above sea level—known as “the snake line.” Above the snake line no snake can live. Security of mankind against snakes is set by God and is purely a matter of altitude. Scriptures suggest a line […]