DADDIESS THAT MIRROR THE HEAVENLY FATHER! Proverbs 3:1-12 INTRODUCTION: In all the world of a child, no word has the power of Daddy! Little Children cannot yet understand the concept of God, love, hope, faith, or sacrifice. However, the word Daddy; now there is power, love and an example of sacrifice to little children. Daddy […]

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Godly Mothers Bless Everyone!

GODLY MOTHERS BLESS EVERYONE! Titus 2:1-15       I.   GOD’S PLAN FOR WOMEN IN OUR WORLD! Today we will look at the high place our Lord has assigned to women in this world. In our world today we find two extremes that our heavenly Father never meant for women and mothers to have […]

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The Triumph Of The Resurrection

THE TRIUMPH OF THE RESURRECTION Revelation 1:9-18 INTRODUCTION: Have you ever asked yourself who it is that was giving the revelation of Jesus Christ to the apostle John on the Isle of Patmos? Revelation 1:1-3; Revelation 1:17-18. Those are the very words the apostle John heard of the Lord’s day from one whose face shown […]

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Mothers Who Walk In Faith

MOTHERS WHO WALK IN FAITH Matthew 15:21-28 INTRODUCTION:  Anna M. Jarvis first suggested the national observance of an annual day honoring all mothers because she had loved her mother so much.  At her mother’s memorial service on May 10 1908, Miss Jarvis gave a carnation (her mother’s favorite flower) to each person who attended the […]

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Resurrection Power!

RESURRECTION POWER! John 20:1-18 INTRODUCTION: Today we will look at just one primary aspect of our Lord’s life; His resurrection to life from the dead.  In the New Testament alone we are given over three hundred verses that are connected to the subject of our Lord Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. THE RESURRECTION IS A […]

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Responding To Suffering

RESPONDING TO SUFFERING Luke 23:26-56 INTRODUCTION:  There are two kinds of responses to our own personal suffering: 1) We can choose to rail against God and say: “If you are such a great and powerful and loving God, why am I in this awful mess.”  2) We can acknowledge that we are sinners and don’t […]

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When Daddies Go Bad!

WHEN DADDIES GO BAD 2 Samuel 12:7-12 INTRODUCTION: Our Lord has told us we are to honor our fathers and mothers: Exodus 20:12. The idea to set aside a special day in our nation to honor fathers began in 1909, but it was not until 1956 that Father’s Day became a national day to honor […]

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Mother’s Wages!

MOTHER’S WAGES! Exodus 2:1-10 INTRODUCTION: We are told there are more phone calls made on Mother’s Day than any other day of the year. There have been many mothers in the history of this world that have greatly influenced their children to trust in the Lord. Many of those mothers have not been given the […]

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