CAN’T I GET A WITNESS? 2 Peter 1:3-11 I. IS YOUR CALLING AND ELECTION SURE? We can sum up our text for this morning in just one verse: 2 Peter 1:10. That verse brings up the theme or the doctrine of eternal salvation. When we have the assurance of our salvation, when we know beyond […]
LET NOTHING BE WASTEDI JOHN 6:1-15 INTRODUCTION: Our Lord Jesus was very big on using all that His Father had placed in His hands. After feeding the 5,000 He said: John 6:12: “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” The basic idea of letting nothing be wasted is a Biblical idea. […]
A BIBLICAL WORLD VIEW FOR EVERY ELECTION! Matthew 5:13-16 INTRODUCTION: If you were to come to any biblical pastor and ask him about a personal problem you are having that pastor would take you to God’s Word and show you what it says about your problem and how to apply God’s Word to your problem: […]
GOD’S CURE FOR YOUR ANXIETY Matthew 11:28-30 INTRODUCTION: Ours is an age of anxiety. Though we have less to worry about than previous generations we have more worry. We see far too many furrowed brows today. We are more anxious today about the journey of this life than we are with the destination we will […]
EAT MY FLESH! John 6:51-59 INTRODUCTION: We as believers in Jesus Christ and those who believe the Bible truly is the living Word of God must not pretend these are easy words to understand. How can Jesus tell His followers to eat his body and drink His blood? As we take communion today we will […]
DEFEATING DOUBTS! Mark 9:14-29 INTRODUCTION: I wish to encourage you today about your doubts. The Bible has many examples of believers who had doubts and yet learned to defeat those doubts. In Mark 9 we find the story of a father who brought his demon possessed boy to the Lord. This father had faith but […]
WHY ARE THERE HYPOCRITES IN GOD’S CHURCH? Matthew 6:1-18 INTRODUCTION: Have you ever asked someone to visit your church only to have them tell you they don’t go to church because there are too many hypocrites in the church. That had been a problem even before there was a church. Seven times our Lord said […]
WHY DO I NEED A SAVIOR? Matthew 19:16-22 INTRODUCTION: You are not superman and neither am I. We cannot fly and we cannot save ourselves by anything we might do in this life. We need a Savior! You might ask: “Why do I need a Savior, why can’t I save myself?” I. WHY CAN’T I […]
GOD’S BROKEN LAW Exodus 24:1-8 INTRODUCTION: The Law of God was given to the children of Israel three mounts after they came out of Egypt. Moses reviewed the Law for the children of Israel and they responded to him: Exodus 24:1-8. Two times the children of Israel said “We will do everything the LORD has […]
WHY WOULD A GOD WHO IS LOVE SEND PEOPLE TO HELL? Matthew 7:13-14 INTRODUCTION: We as believers show not only know God’s Word we should be able to tell others why we believe what we say we believe: 1 Peter 3:15. If we believe the Bible is true we must believe in a place called […]