Palm Sunday

PALM SUNDAY! John 12:12-19 INTRODUCTION:  The writers of the gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John all talk about the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on what we call Palm Sunday.    John 12:12-19. The people of Israel, perhaps as many as 2 and ½ million, hailed their King on Sunday and nailed Him to a […]

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The Value Of Your Soul!

THE VALUE OF YOUR SOUL! Mark 8:27-38 INTRODUCTION:  Banana Flips and an icy cold coke are a delectable desert combination after a hard day’s work.   But if we get so caught up in how sloppy that Banana Flip can be we might just miss out on the best of what we so desire.  Our God […]

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Catching UP!

CATCHING UP! Mark 10:13-16 INTRODUCTION: Our Lord Jesus loved children.  In fact, on one occasion when Jesus own disciples wanted to stop people from bringing their children to Jesus to have Him bless them Jesus got hot!  There is a great eternal lesson we can learn from children: Mark 10:14-16.  It is a wonderful blessing […]

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What Is Truth

WHAT IS TRUTH? John 18:28-40 INTRODUCTION:  Our Lord Jesus said: “Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”  Pilot’s response was: “What is truth?”  Is truth abstract and unknowable or is truth concrete and embraceable?  In our culture today, people are still arguing about truth.  Today in our congress, our courts and even in […]

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The Widow’s Might!

THE WIDOWS MIGHT! Mark 12:41-44 INTRODUCTION:  We should be glad to offer the Lord whatever we can to further His Kingdom since all we have has come from Him in the first place: 1 Corinthians 4:7.  Sometimes our offerings seem so little with such great need but our precious little when given to our God, […]

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Spring Cleaning in God’s House

SPRING CLEANING IN GOD’S HOUSE Matthew 21:12-16 INTRODUCTION:  Have you ever considered cleaning your house from a spiritual standpoint?  According to the Word of God there are four houses that God has lived in and cleaned!  The first house was Adam, a product of God’s creation.  That was God’s first house until sin separated man […]

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