THE WORD OF GOD AND OUR MENTAL HEALTH Romans 8:1-17 INTRODUCTION: Our world is moving away from God and from faith in His Word. It is important for us to understand that in our changing world, we serve a God who does not change: Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8. Also the Word of God claims that […]
TRUMPING TEMPTATIONS POWER! 1 Corinthians 10:1-14 INTRODUCTION: An old country western song asked the question when I was young: “How can anything that seems so right be so wrong?” We always seem to be tempted by things that seem so right. Those things that tempt us are always to beautiful, interesting, wonderful things that attract […]
GENDER CONFUSION! Genesis 1:26-31 INTRODUCTION: We learned two weeks ago that God is the designer of gender: Genesis 1:27. God created man in the image of God. God created man male and female. Our God founded the foundation of the family. God created males and females different than one another. Our God is the inventor […]
GENDER CONFUSION! Genesis 1:26-31 INTRODUCTION: We learned two weeks ago that God is the designer of gender: Genesis 1:27. God created man in the image of God. God created man male and female. Our God founded the foundation of the family. God created males and females different than one another. Our God is the inventor […]
COMPLETE SURRENDER! 1 Kings 20:1-4 INTRODUCTION: Ben-Hadad asked complete surrender of Ahab, the King of Israel and what Ahab agreed to was indeed complete surrender: 1 Kings 20:4. These are words of complete surrender and every child of God ought to yield himself in exactly that way to their heavenly Father. Remember, the condition of […]
WHO AM I? Genesis 1:26-31 INTRODUCTION: Isaiah 29:13-16; Luke 6:46-49. Some of the hottest topics of conversation across our nation and around our world will be our topic for the next couple of weeks. We will be looking at what society has to say about these topics and we will see what our Lord’s Word […]
WILL YOU SEE GOD? Hebrews 12:1-15 INTRODUCTION: How important is holiness in your personal view? How important is your holiness in God’s view? Hebrews 12:14; Romans 12:18. Sometimes with our very best effort we cannot live in peace with others, but your personal holiness is your choice. If you desire to live a truly holy […]
WILL YOU SEE GOD? Hebrews 12:1-15 INTRODUCTION: How important is holiness in your personal view? How important is your holiness in God’s view? Hebrews 12:14; Romans 12:18. Sometimes with our very best effort we cannot live in peace with others, but your personal holiness is your choice. If you desire to live a truly holy […]
WILL YOU SEE GOD? Hebrews 12:1-15 INTRODUCTION: How important is holiness in your personal view? How important is your holiness in God’s view? Hebrews 12:14; Romans 12:18. Sometimes with our very best effort we cannot live in peace with others, but your personal holiness is your choice. If you desire to live a truly holy […]
WHEN GOD IS SILENT! Matthew 8:14-17 INTRODUCTION: We can easily understand our Lord’s interventions in the lives of those He loves. Matthew 8:14-17; John 9:1-12; Mark 3:1-6. We all rejoice when our God intervenes in our lives and blesses us. What we struggle with is the other side of the story: We don’t understand God’s […]