Jesus Way To Happiness!

JESUS WAY TO HAPPINESS! Matthew 5:1-12 INTRODUCTION: In the first twelve verses of Matthew chapter five, Matthew, in the Sermon on the Mount lays out Jesus way to happiness.  The Greek word used for “blessed” is “Markarius” and it means happy.  As we look at the Sermon on the Mount today Jesus way to happiness […]

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God’s Recipe For Joy – Part 1

GOD’S RECIPE FOR JOY! John 15:9-17 INTRODUCTION:  Today we want to talk about how we can have the fullness of Joy that is offered to us in God’s Word. How to have fullness of joy in our hearts and how to learn God’s recipe for joy.  John 15:11.  Joy is the birthright of every child […]

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AN INDEPENDENT NATION TOTALLY DEPENDENT ON GOD! Daniel 9:1-19 INTRODUCTION: Daniel was a very godly man.  He is one of only a few men that the Bible speaks a great deal about that no sin is recorded in his life.  Daniel was a praying man.  Three times a day he prayed toward Jerusalem, even when […]

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FASTING FOR GOD’S GLORY AND POWER! Matthew 6:16-18 INTRODUCTION:  In our nation we live to eat not eat to live.  We have a fixation on food!  The average American will eat 150,000 pounds of food by age seventy.  We eat about a ton of food every year.  Food is never very far from our minds […]

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WHEN OUR TROUBLES BECOME OUR TRIUMPHS! Proverbs 24:15-20 INTRODUCTION:  Often in lives our greatest triumphs come from our everyday troubles!  As Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson said; sometimes what you want so badly is “the best thing that never happened to you.”  Our message today is being given so you might see that your time of […]

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Honoring Their Sacrifices!

HONORING THEIR SACRlFlCES! 2 Timothy 1:3-15 INTRODUCTION: People are more important than things! We tend to value things and use people. It should be the other way around. We should value people and use things. Luke 12:13-21: Life is more important than things. On this Memorial Day weekend, I want to remind you that people […]

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WHAT LIFE WOULD THE LORD HAVE ME LIVE? John 10:1-11 INTRODUCTION: Yet another major question about life is: “Is there life after physical death?”  But perhaps an even greater question for many is: “Is there life after physical birth?”  When we ask that second question we are not just talking about existence.  We mean is […]

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Losing Your Life To Save It!

LOSING YOUR LIFE TO SAVE IT! Mark 8:31-38 INTRODUCTION:  Tents are important, but not nearly as important as the people they protect from the elements on camping trips.  Do you know that God has given you a soul and that your body is the tent?  Sadly, so often in life we see people far more […]

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