The Palace Test!

THE PALACE TEST! Genesis 39:1-23 INTRODUCTION: We are studying the life of Joseph and then tests that Joseph had to pass in order to go from his God given dream to his God given destiny. We all have a God given dream but we do not all come into our God given destiny because we […]

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PERSEVERING IN A PLEASURE CRAZED SOCIETY Hebrews 11:23-29 INTRODUCTION: We are living in a pleasure crazed society and people cannot see the danger they are in because of it. Our God has dropped us a note from heaven to alert us to the danger we are in as a society. Not only physical danger but […]

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Without God’s Love!

WITHOUT GOD’S LOVE! 1 Corinthians 13:1-14:1 INTRODUCTION: On Valentine’s Day everyone may be talking about love but the question is do most people really understand how important God’s love is to a marriage, to a relationship, to the home, to the Christian life and to the life of a local church? The apostle Paul wrote […]

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Why Does Christian Unity Matter?

WHY DOES CHRISITAN UNITY MATTER? John 17:20-26 INTRODUCTION: We have an awesome privilege and responsibility. We can make one of the most important prayers ever offered on earth either happen or not happen. When it happens the benefits are immediate and yet another generation of believers will come into being. But when we don’t do […]

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Our Cup Of Thanksgiving!

OUR CUP OF THANKSGIVING! 1 Corinthians 10:14-22 INTRODUCTION: In our text for this morning Paul discusses the significance of communion which he refers to as “the cup of thanksgiving and participation in the blood of Christ. Paul then warns of the dangers of participating in idolatry by partaking of things offered to idols. 1 Corinthians […]

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Joseph’s Pit Test!

JOSEPH’S PIT TEST! Genesis 37:12-23 INTRODUCTION: Every Christian person has a God given dream and every Christian has a God given destiny. The sad fact is that most Christians live with their God given dream but never attain their God given destiny. We said last week that Joseph failed the pride test so his next […]

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Joseph’s Pride Test

JOSEPH’S PRIDE TEST 1 Peter 5:5-11 INTRODUCTION: The next several Sunday mornings we will be talking about how to go from our God given dreams to our God given destiny. All of us have God given dreams but most people never make it from those God given dreams to their God given destiny. The reason […]

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When Life Knocks You Down! Part 2

WHEN LIFE KNOCKS YOU DOWN! Habakkuk 3:16-19 INTRODUCTION: Where do we turn when life knocks us down and it is not a physical fall, but a spiritual or emotional, or mental fall. How can we get back up when we are knocked down by life? Romans 15:13. Our God is the One Who can literally […]

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When Life Knocks You Down! Part 1

WHEN LIFE KNOCKS YOU DOWN! Habakkuk 3:16-19 INTRODUCTION: Where do we turn when life knocks us down and it is not a physical fall, but a spiritual or emotional, or mental fall. How can we get back up when we are knocked down by life? Romans 15:13. Our God is the One Who can literally […]

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Starting All Over!

STARTING ALL OVER! John 3:1-15 INTRODUCTION: Have you ever felt like you would just like to have a new start to your life. Perhaps a new start on your chose career path or a new start for you mistakes in your marriage. Our Lord Jesus talked with a religious leader of His day speaking of […]

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