A Joyful ride!

A JOYFUL RIDE! Philippians 2:1-4 INTRODUCTION: Disney World encompasses forty-three square miles. It is the size of San Francisco. Disney World has seventy-thousand cast members which makes it the largest single site employer in the United States. Disney World averages 1,000,000 visitors per week. Disney World’s is so special thou not because of its size […]

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So That No One May Boast!

SO THAT NO ONE MAY BOAST! 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 INTRODUCTION: Today is St. Patrick’s Day. Today we are all or all want to be Irish and will celebrate the day with parades, shamrocks and everything green. Something you may not know is that St. Patrick was not Irish, he was English. Patrick was kidnapped from […]

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Can My God Deliver Me?

CAN MY GOD DELIVER ME? Daniel 6:1-10 INTRODUCTION: We are talking tonight on the subject “Can My God Deliver Me?” and we find the answer in Daniel 6. Through many different governmental leaders what we find out about Daniel is that Daniel continued on faithfully. 1 John 2:17. Daniel, God’s man moved right along faithfully […]

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God’s Crossroad To The Good Life!

GOD’S CROSSROAD TO THE GOOD LIFE! Ecclesiastes 1:1-18 INTRODUCTION: All of mankind; from Adam and Eve right down to the present time have sought what they thought would be “the good life.” Sadly, most all have missed “the good life” because they thought they could define for themselves what “the good life” is. Jeremiah 10:23. […]

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Why Christians Take Communion!

WHY CHRISTIANS TAKE COMMUNION! 1 Corinthians 11:23-32 INTRODUCTION: Sometimes the greatest way to remember events in history is a simple memorial. The Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C. is such an example. On its 747-foot – long, ten-foot-tall black granite wall are written the names of 58,000 fallen Vietnam soldiers who gave their lives in service […]

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Opening Our Eyes To Compassion!

OPENING OUR EYES TO COMPASSION! 1 Thessalonians 3:1-13      I.   PASS IR ON! Being part of a good works chain can be very rewarding. When the bottom drops out of our economy, we can react in two equal and opposite directions. One is hardening of the heart and the tightening of the purse; […]

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Will You Compromise?

WILL YOU COMPROMISE? 1 Kings 11:1-13 INTRODUCTION: Not all compromise is wrong. We can learn from others the ethic of give-and-take. Healthy compromise is demonstrated when we are able to give in without sacrificing our God given values and beliefs. However our focus today will be on another kind of compromise that leads us to […]

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Don’t Drown!

DON’T DROWN! Matthew 5:38-48 INTRODUCTION: When we chose to ignore clear warnings whether from men or from our God what should we expect? Proverbs 17:14. Unfortunately even Christians are not immune from setting their disputes with others with quarreling and the destruction that is wrought by not dealing with their disagreements in a biblical way. […]

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We Will Win!

WE WILL WIN! 1 John 4:1-6 INTRODUCTION: We are learning about spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare is the struggle between good and evil, true light and darkness, the servants of God and the servants of the devil. We have talked about the reality of the invisible warfare we are all involved with. We have talked about […]

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Coming Home For Valentine’s Day!

COMING HOME FOR VALENTINE’S DAY! Luke 15:11-32 INTRODUCTION: Lord I’m Coming Home was written by William J. Kirkpatrick in answer to his prayer for a lost soloist that did not know the Lord. The story Jesus told of the prodigal son is a perfect fit to this great hymn. At the end of the story […]

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