Spiritual Warfare Is Real!

SPIRITUAL WARFARE IS REAL! Romans 7:14-25 INTRODUCTION: My prayer is that we will be informed and encouraged as we realize anew the spiritual battle we face, the enemy that fights against us and the victory we are offered in Christ Jesus. We face three spiritual enemies that resist the spirit within us: the world, the […]

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The Nature of Suffering!

THE NATURE OF SUFFERING Hebrews 12:1-11 INTRODUCTION: We can easily understand why the wicked should suffer: Proverbs 13:15; Isaiah48:22. But when an obedient son or daughter of God suffers we sometimes have real trouble understanding our Lord’s plan. This is especially true when we read Hebrews 12:5-7 and see words used like Discipline, rebuke, punishment, […]

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High Noon!

HIGH NOON 1 Kings 18:16-40 INTRODUCTION: 950 to 1. That was the odds that Elijah faced on Mount Carmel between the prophets of Baal and of Asherah. Any time a messenger of God confronts the evil of this world with a message from God it won’t be very popular: John 15:18-21. Did you think after […]

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Dealing With Our Debt!

DEALING WITH OUR DEBT 2 Kings 4:1-7 INTRODUCTION: A bondman was a slave or a servant to the creditor until the debt of a non- paying debtor was paid off. Times were a little different back then. Today if we don’t pay our debt it may be bad for your FICA score and increase the […]

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The Word Of God And Abortion

THE WORD OF GOD AND ABORTION Jeremiah 1:4-10 INTRODUCTION: Our nation was built on a moral and spiritual foundation that originated with the very Word of God, and sadly that foundation is crumbling! In order to restore our moral and spiritual foundation we must get back to the Word of God being our primary source […]

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When The Sun Stood Still!

WHEN THE SUN STOOD STILL! Joshua 10:1-14 INTRODUCTION: In Joshua 10:12-14 we find the wonderful story of when the sun stood still. There are many people who believe the Bible is full of folklore or myth and perhaps no other story in the Bible has had more people say that this did not really happen […]

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Is There Any Hope?

Is There Any Hope Psalm 3:1-8 INTRODUCTION: In Psalm three King David is running for his life from his own son, Absalom and his army. The inscription right above the Psalm says: “A Psalm of David, when he fled from Absalom his son.” David asks a question of God that most of us may have […]

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A New Start For A New Year! Part 2

A NEW START FOR A NEW YEAR! Ephesians 4:29-32 INTRODUCTION: Before we can start successfully the New Year we need to put the old year behind us. It is only as we forgive others and ourselves that we can truly have a Happy New Year! The Word of God tells us how to get yesterday […]

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A New Start For A New Year! Part 1

A NEW START FOR A NEW YEAR! Ephesians 4:29-32 INTRODUCTION: Before we can start successfully the New Year we need to put the old year behind us. It is only as we forgive others and ourselves that we can truly have a Happy New Year! The Word of God tells us how to get yesterday […]

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What Does Jesus Want For Christmas?

WHAT DOES JESUS WANT FOR CHRISTMAS? Isaiah 9:2-7 INTRODUCTION: Leadership is needed in every organization. When the leadership is good in any organization things go well. When the leadership is poor, the results speak for themselves. In Christmas we celebrate the arrival of our true Leader.   I.       MESSIAH “THE ANOINTED ONE!” […]

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