A Wise Man Looks At Death!

A WISE MAN LOOKS AT DEATH! Ecclesiastes 12:1-14 INTRODUCTION: For a Christian there no be no fear in life or in death: 2 Timothy 1:7. Many people, even many Christians fear death. You do know that whether afraid of dying or not, death is inevitable: Hebrews 9:27. We have the answer to the fear of […]

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Ever Ready!

EVER READY! Philippians 1:20-26 INTRODUCTION: When we are born there are two things we all must face: those two things are life and death. We all face times in our lives when we think we may be pushing hard towards death: Luke 12:20. A question that should come to your mind in those times is: […]

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Overcoming Our Disappointments!

OVERCOMING OUR DISAPPOINTMENTS! 1 Timothy 6:1-21 INTRODUCTION: Have you ever had your eye on one thing, and if you could have it you would never want anything else for all your life? For me, when I was six years old it was my older brother’s friend, Dale Peterson’s authentic Roy Rogers holster and cap gun […]

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Scriptural Faith!

SCRIPTURAL FAITH! Hebrews 11:1-6       I.   WHAT IS SCRIPTURAL FAITH? There is not a clearer explanation of faith in all of Scripture than the one found in Hebrews 1:1. The two key words in this verse is “sure” and certain.” Scriptural faith is being sure about what God has said and certain […]

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Memorial Day Remembrance!

MEMORIAL DAY REMEMBRANCE! Psalm 27:1-14 INTRODUCTION: Tomorrow is Memorial Day, a day set aside to remember those who have died in the service of our nation. Many of us have known someone who died during their time of military service to our nation. Today, together we will express our rightful appreciation that is due to […]

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Filthy Dreamers

FILTHY DREAMERS Jude 1:1-25 INTRODUCTION: General William Booth was the founder of the Salvation Army. Booth had great insight into the future of the church in the United States and this is what he said: “That the great danger facing the future of the church was having religion without Christ; Forgiveness without repentance; Salvation without […]

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Defeating Discouragement!

DEFEATING DISCOURAGEMENT! Nehemiah 4:1-11 ILLUSTRATION: When Nehemiah and the people of Judah were half way completed with the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem discouragement set in: Nehemiah 4:10. As we look today at Nehemiah chapter four we will three things the Holy Spirit would have us learn: 1. Discouragement is a reality of all […]

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Godly Mothers Bless Everyone!

GODLY MOTHERS BLESS EVERYONE! Titus 2:1-15       I.   GOD’S PLAN FOR WOMEN IN OUR WORLD! Today we will look at the high place our Lord has assigned to women in this world. In our world today we find two extremes that our heavenly Father never meant for women and mothers to have […]

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Faith Is Trusting In Our God!

FAITH IS TRUSTING IN OUR GOD! Psalm 37:1-8 INTRODUCTION: A very simple but vital truth to a growing faith is that faith is simply trusting in what our God has told us about Himself, what He has told us about us. and trusting His precious promises. Psalm 37:1-8: all of these verses speak of our […]

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Completely Satisfied!

COMPLETELY SATISFIED! Philippians 4:10-19 INTRODUCTION: Do you suffer from the fear of “fomo”? This may be the fastest growing fear in America today. “Fomo” is the “fear of missing out” on the latest social event, experience, or interaction. If you suffer from “fomo” you can never be satisfied with where you are at any given […]

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