FILTHY DREAMERS Jude 1:1-25 INTRODUCTION: General William Booth was the founder of the Salvation Army. Booth had great insight into the future of the church in the United States and this is what he said: “That the great danger facing the future of the church was having religion without Christ; Forgiveness without repentance; Salvation without […]
DEFEATING DISCOURAGEMENT! Nehemiah 4:1-11 ILLUSTRATION: When Nehemiah and the people of Judah were half way completed with the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem discouragement set in: Nehemiah 4:10. As we look today at Nehemiah chapter four we will three things the Holy Spirit would have us learn: 1. Discouragement is a reality of all […]
GODLY MOTHERS BLESS EVERYONE! Titus 2:1-15 I. GOD’S PLAN FOR WOMEN IN OUR WORLD! Today we will look at the high place our Lord has assigned to women in this world. In our world today we find two extremes that our heavenly Father never meant for women and mothers to have […]
FAITH IS TRUSTING IN OUR GOD! Psalm 37:1-8 INTRODUCTION: A very simple but vital truth to a growing faith is that faith is simply trusting in what our God has told us about Himself, what He has told us about us. and trusting His precious promises. Psalm 37:1-8: all of these verses speak of our […]
COMPLETELY SATISFIED! Philippians 4:10-19 INTRODUCTION: Do you suffer from the fear of “fomo”? This may be the fastest growing fear in America today. “Fomo” is the “fear of missing out” on the latest social event, experience, or interaction. If you suffer from “fomo” you can never be satisfied with where you are at any given […]
WHAT REALLY MATTERS? Philippians 3:1-21 INTRODUCTION: Question: “When is a bird bigger than a mountain?” Answer: “When the bird is closer than the mountain. Often what really matters seems to be what is close up in space and time in our lives. When the apostle Paul began this chapter he said: Philippians 3:1. Here Paul […]
STRESSED OUT! Philippians 4:4-9 INTRODUCTION: We all need to know how to have the joy of the Lord in the midst of our times of stress. The book of Philippians says more about the joy of the Lord than any other book of the Bible. Experts tell us that seventy to ninety percent of all […]
You Cannot Hide! Genesis 3:1-11 INTRODUCTION: We need to “get real.” We need to take off our fig leaves and all the other things we try to hide behind and “get real!” John 1:43-47. Many hide behind so many masks that they are not even sure themselves just who they really are. Satan likes us […]
KEEPING OUR EYES ON THE PRIZE Philippians 3:1-14 INTRODUCTION: Although we are first in many wonderful areas as a nation we are also first in many not so wonderful areas as a nation. We have the world’s largest economy. We have the strongest military in the world, and the world’s most advanced technology. However we […]
THE GOSPEL OF EXODUS! 2 Exodus 28:1-4 INTRODUCTION: We start tonight with the Gospel of Exodus: you say the Gospel of Exodus? Aren’t there only four Gospels? No there are 66 Gospels in the Bible! Every book in the Bible tells us the good news of Jesus Christ: John 5:39; Exodus 25:8. God’s wants to […]