Defeating Doubts!


Mark 9:14-29

INTRODUCTION: I wish to encourage you today about your doubts. The Bible has many examples of believers who had doubts and yet learned to defeat those doubts. In Mark 9 we find the story of a father who brought his demon possessed boy to the Lord. This father had faith but it was mixed with doubt. Now most of us can identify with this father’s words:
Mark 9:23-24. Yes, people have doubts. When we doubt God and His Word we call it “unbelief!” James 1:5-8: Even though the Bible warns us of unbelief we are still human and will have to struggle from time to time with our doubts.


We need to learn why it is that at times our faith is mixed with doubt? One reason can be because we are surrounded by critics all around us who criticize our faith. These critics are what the Bible calls scoffers and we are warned in Scripture not to give in to their thoughts: Psalm 1:1-2. Other times we have doubts because often those who doubt the Lord seem to prosper very well in this life: Psalm 73:2-3; Psalm 14:1. We are called not to base our faith in man or man’s science falsely so called but in the wisdom we find in the Word of our God. Sometimes our conscience causes us to doubt! 1 Timothy 1:19-20. Our own reasoning ability will cause us to doubt. When we have unanswered prayer, when we see injustice all about us or tragedy strikes our family. When we have doubts does that mean we are not a true Christian? No that means you are human.


Is it all right to tell the Lord that you have doubts? Well the Psalmist did it many times. We need not be intimidated by our doubts but we do need to admit them and confess them to our Lord and ask Him to help our unbelief. Remember the story of John the Baptist? People were coming to him to be baptized as he said the kingdom of God was drawing near. He even said about Jesus: John 1:29. But later when Jesus didn’t do things the way John thought He should, even John the Baptist had his doubts: Matthew 11:2-3; Luke 7:28. If the greatest prophet born of a woman could doubt don’t you think you can simply admit from time to time you also doubt God but He loves you anyhow? The apostle we call doubting Thomas also had honest doubts but he brought it out in the open and God dealt with it and reaffirmed his faith: John 20:24-31. Jude 1:22 in the KJV and in the NIV. Our trouble is we believe our doubts and doubt our beliefs: Proverbs 3:5-6. We are told not to trust our feelings but to trust the Word of God.
Hebrews 13:5.


We must learn to not only admit our doubts and learn to doubt our doubts and go on with the faith we already have. Remember courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is moving against your fears. Courage is cho0sing to believe God in the middle of your doubt. Faith is not the absence of any doubt. Faith is believing God in spite of your doubts. Our Lord said even a small amount of faith will work: Matthew 17:19-20. We all have faith, but the faith that moves mountains is the faith we place in our God and His Word. Hebrews 12:1-3. When we keep our eyes on our Lord Jesus our faith grows. We need to start with the faith we have and move forward keeping our eyes on Jesus and He will continue to grow our faith. Remember a little faith in a faithful God will bring great results in your life. Romans 1:16-17: You can defeat your doubts. You don’t have to be defeated by your doubts!