Fear or Faith: You Choose:


John 14:22-27

INTRODUCTION: John 14:27: How many times did our Lord say this or statements similar to it. Yet in this crazy world we live in how can we not let our hearts be troubled? We do not ignore our emotions; we simply overcome our fears with something greater than fear. Hebrews 13:6. Overcoming our emotion of fear is found through our greater confidence in our God. Fear is not a sin but it is of our flesh and faith is of the Spirit. 1 John 5:4. Our Lord’s peace overcomes our fear: Hebrews 11:6; 2 Timothy 1:7.


Many of God’s greatest servants have been afraid but their faith overcame their fears as they walked with their God. Nehemiah experienced fear but his faith overcame his fear: Nehemiah 2:1-4. Nehemiah was afraid but he did not let his fear rule him. Instead his faith in the Lord overcame his fear. King David also experienced fear: Psalm 56:3-4. David openly acknowledged his fear but then he put his trust in His God and overcame his fears. We also can overcome our fears by looking to the LORD and expectantly waiting on His deliverance:
Isaiah 12:2-3.


Why will we choose to not be afraid: Because the LORD becomes our strength. We don’t ignore fear or try to hide our fears; we turn from our fears to our LORD and He becomes our strength. Our faith calls us to believe that our God is in control, not our circumstances. Even our LORD”s apostles had times of fear: Mark 4:35-41. The apostles went from the fear of nature and the power of nature to the fear of the LORD! The fear of the LORD is the key to living a life of faith and victory! Isaiah 33:6. Jacob’s fear of his brother Esau also is a good example of faith over fear: Genesis 32:9-12. Jacob admitted his fear but he also did not allow his fear to turn his heart out of the will of God for him and his family. We also need to trust in the promises of our God when fear comes into our lives so we can see the blessings God has promised us: Hebrews 10:35-36. Our fears try to arise and control our hearts but we need not give into our fears: 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. Our fears may be beyond our control but not beyond the control of our God. Colossians 1:15-18. Just as we have trusted in Jesus Christ for our salvation so we must learn to trust Him for overcoming our fears. When we by faith believe the promises of our God He will fill our hearts with His peace. Philippians 4:6-9.


A woman in the Scriptures had a sickness that made her life very difficult. She had gone to many doctors but not one of them could help her. Luke 8:43-48. Instead of living in fear she turned to her LORD for hope and the LORD Jesus did not fail her. What does the Bible tell us we should do when we are sick and cannot get relief? James 5:14-16.