Psalm 1:1-6 KJV
INTRODUCTION: King Solomon said: Ecclesiastes 12:12. Right after Solomon said these words he turned around and wrote three more new books. Today Solomon’s words are even more true than they were when he wrote them. Millions of books are in print today. The Bible was not only the first book ever printed but it is still the best-selling book in the world today. The book of Psalms is a collection of 150 sacred songs. Those songs have provided unnumbered multitudes balm for their hurting hearts over the years.
Psalm one is introductory to the one-hundred-forty-nine other Psalms that follow and is one of the fifty anonymous Psalms. Psalm one was inspired by the Holy Spirit: 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Psalm one speaks of: Two men—the blessed man and the cursed man. Two ways—God’s way and man’s way. The psalm begins with the words “Blessed is the man.” Three things are basic to God’s special blessing. God’s “blessed man.” 1.) The recipient of God’s special blessing possesses God’s life. 2.) The goodness of God rests upon the life of those God gives His special blessings. 3.) God’s special blessing may be in the physical realm or it may be in the spiritual realm or both. Our God blesses everyone in a general sense: Matthew 5:45. Our God loves to bless His people: Ephesians 1:3; Philippians 4:19; Ephesians 3:20. God’s curse brings death and destruction. Our God always gives people the right to choose to receive either His blessings or His curses. Deuteronomy 30:19-20. Our Lord loved the nation of Israel and He wished to bless them: Deuteronomy 28:63; Isaiah 28:21.
Psalm 1:1. Psalm 1 begins with three things the blessed man must not do. 1.) He must not walk in the counsel of the ungodly. Ungodly counsel is based on four pillars: 1. There is no God! Psalm 14:1. 2. Man evolved: John 1:1-3. 3. There is no such thing as truth: John 17:17; John 14:6. 4. There is no standard of morality everyone must abide by: John 8:31-32. 2.) The blessed man does not stand in the way of sinners! Deeds follow thoughts. Ungodly thinking and unrighteous living are inseparable companions: Romans 1:18; Proverbs 16:25. 3.) The blessed man does not sit in the seat of the scornful. When someone mocks those who are trying to live a life pleasing to man he has become a scoffer. John 15:18-21.
1.)The blessed man must delight in the Law of the Lord! Psalm 119:165. Is the Word of God your delight? Do you love to read it and seek to obey the Word of God? Hebrews 4:12. 2.) He must meditate on God’s Law day and night! Joshua 1:6-9.
Three things are said about the blessed man: 1.) He is like a tree planted by streams of water. People in Israel tried to store water in cisterns but often the cistern leaked and became polluted. Jeremiah 2:11-13. They used wells by digging a hole in the ground hoping to hit a source of water. The problem with wells is they often ran dry. They used rivers. The river was called living water because the river would never run dry or become polluted. John 7:37-39. 2.) He will bear fruit in season and his leaf will not wither. The blessed man will produce His fruit at the proper time: Psalm 92:12-15. 3.) Whatever he does shall prosper. Genesis 39:1-4; Genesis 39:20-23; Romans 8:28.
Psalm 1:4-5. The ungodly man is the cursed man. He possesses no life of God and knows nothing of the special heavenly blessings of God. He is like chaff. He is of no value in God’s sight. The ungodly man has no roots. He is blown away by the wind—useless. They will go to a judgement separated from the godly. John 3:36. They will not have a good end: Psalm 1:6. The Apostle Paul may have had this verse in mind when he wrote: Galatians 6:6-8. There are laws in the physical realm that we all know to be true and we know that reaping always comes after its kind. In the end God will not be mocked. We can choose now to be the blessed man and obey God or we can choose to be the cursed man and do our own thing. What will be your choice?