Why Would A God Who Is Love Send People To Hell? Part 2


Matthew 7:13-14

INTRODUCTION: We as believers show not only know God’s Word we should be able to tell others why we believe what we say we believe: 1 Peter 3:15. If we believe the Bible is true we must believe in a place called heaven and a place called hell. Do you know that only 60% of Americans believe in hell and only 4% believe they are going there?


Do you know that our Lord Jesus said more people are going to go to the place called hell then will go to the place called heaven? Matthew 7:13-14. So we must learn how to answer the question: Why would a God Who claims to be love send people to hell? There are really two questions in that one question: Is hell real? And number two: when someone goes to hell is God the One Who’s responsible? We will answer both questions using the Word of God. Is hell real? Yes hell is real: Revelation 20:15. Hell is real and the Bible says it is miserable and eternal and irreversible. Hell was not created for mankind; it was created for the devil and his demons: Matthew 25:41; Revelation 12:1-4; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 1:6. When the devil and his demons left their proper dwelling God designed another place for them. Our own unaddressed, unconfessed rebellion against God will lead to our eternal separation from God as well. Yes, hell is real but remember it was not designed or intended for you. 150,000 people die every day on our earth and Jesus said the majority will go to hell: Matthew 7:13-14. Our questions for today is “Why do only a few find the way to heaven?” And “Why would a God Who is love allow that to be true?” If we refuse to repent and receive Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior is it our decisions that send us to hell or is it God Who sends us to hell? The answer to both questions is “Yes!” If we choose to stay in rebellion against God our destiny will be the same as for Lucifer and the demons who rebelled against God. But if we stand before God as innocent, the Bible says God will see as righteous—as heirs of Christ and our names will be found in the Lamb’s Book of Life! But if we reject the grace offered us in Jesus Christ we will experience the justice of God! Our God is a God of love and grace and mercy, but He is also a God of justice and righteousness and He is fully committed to carrying out His justice. God is love but He gives us the choice: We can choose to trust in Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior or reject Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior.


The Bible says all mankind are sinners: Romans 3:23. We can choose to either repent of our sins and believe in Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior or we can choose to live in our sin. The wages of our sin is separation from God: Romans 6:23. Our God is a loving God! Our God is a just God! Romans 2:11: God doesn’t show partiality; He is consistent and good:
Psalm 89:14: Deuteronomy 32:4. Most people who have a problem with hell are actually just people that have a problem with God’s justice. If you don’t like God’s justice, here is what God says to you: Isaiah 55:8-9. Our God gives us His solution to our problems: Proverbs 3:5-6. We need to trust in God and we need to fear God! Matthew 10:28. Our Lord Jesus talked more about hell than He did about heaven. In fact Jesus talked more about hell than any other person in the Bible: Matthew 8:12; Matthew 13:41-42; Matthew 5:22; Mark 9:42-48; Matthew 25:46. Jesus said He came to this earth to seek and to save the lost: Luke 19:10; Luke 13:22-27. Jesus is saying you can choose your gate: He says “Make your choice! Choose God and His way or the world and its way. But Jesus warns us to choose carefully because our choice here will last for all eternity. You get to decide: Will you chose to personally receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior or will you continue to reject the only solution to mankind’s greatest problem? Romans 10:9-10; 13.


  1. They would rather remain in their sins than repent from their sins: John 8:1-11. Whensinners refuse to repent from sin; that refusal is what leads to their destruction.
  2. They would rather be religious than have a living relationship with God: James 1:26-27.Remember: All religion apart from a living relationship with Jesus Christ is useless ingetting us to heaven.
  3. They would rather satisfy the flesh than be renewed by the Spirit of God:Galatians 5:16-17. So many people continue to take the broad way that leads to destruction because they do not trust God or His Word and they do not fear God: Matthew 10:28. The Bible teaches us that if we do not learn to fear God and live separated from Him on this earth we will also be separated from God for all eternity. Hell then is a self-imposed natural consequence that results from our rejection of God.

But you still get to choose. You do not have to reject Jesus Christ. Jesus came to this earth to save sinners, so you don’t have to reject Him any longer. 1 Timothy 2:3-6; 2 Peter 3:9. Because of Jesus coming to this earth to make the payment for our sins we don’t have to go to hell. We can choose to go to heaven! Romans 1:18-20. Jesus paid it all so we can be set free. Only through faith in Jesus Christ shed blood can you and I gain eternal life. Only Jesus saves! None of us need to stand guilty before our God because our Lord Jesus Christ payed the price for our sins on the cross. Because of Jesus you can be born into God’s family and become a son or daughter of God: John 1:12-13. Each of us will go to be forever with the one we belong to. John 8:44; John 3:3. Have you been born again into God’s family by faith in His only begotten Son Jesus Christ? If you belong to God you do not have to go to hell.